



Hello, Sergey.
OK, I understand what your problem is.
SIE translates SVG arc command into cubic Bezier curves, because VML arc
command cannot render a transformed arc.

In my opinion, you should consider the possibility of
this translation to cubic Bezier, if you desire to emulate SVG arc
command by VML.

please see the SIE code. (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/sie/svn/view/trunk/sie.js?view=markup&revision=1598&root=sie)

>STArc.prototype.set = function starcset(x1, y1, rx, ry, psai, fA, fS, x4, y4) {
> this.D = (this.D ? this.D.concat(nea) : nea);
> nea = null;
> return true;

Each argument 'x1, y1, rx, ry, psai, fA, fS, x4, y4' is a parameter of SVG arc command.
'this.D' is a set of parameters of cubic Bezier curves.

Additionally, I show the example of coordinate transformation performed
in SIE. For example, please think of this simple SVG:

SIE analyzes this SVG and creates a current transformation matrix (CTM)
for a rotation of 60 degree. SIE transforms the coordinates of each point
using this matrix, and then generates the following VML.

In this way, SIE converts SVG into VML.